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There's more than one way to measure progress.

Track more than just your weight with Bodymapp 3D body scanning!
All Mingara One members can redeem a 1-month free trial to try out Bodymapp!

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Track your fitness progress through metrics such as body fat %, waist to hip ratio and more!

Scan using your iPhone or with one of the iPads stationed in the gym! The iPads are located in the women’s changing rooms, and in the consult room near the weights!
If you’d like to learn more, feel free to chat with any of the trainers or staff members at the gym!

Redeem your free trial by creating an account and entering the code ONE30 below!

What next?

Bodymapp scan

Start scanning!

Use your phone* or one of the Bodymapp Pro Stations in the gym to scan and access up to 20 body measurements and health metrics.

Body health report in Bodymapp app

Get a Bodymapp Report

Each scan gives you a comprehensive health report that gives personalised, holistic insight into health and fitness – from posture, somatotype, body fat estimate, to BMR and more.

Set a goal & track

Goal setting, progress tracking and side-by-side comparison features help you see fitness changes, which is a powerful way to keep you motivated to continue training.